Sunday, January 22, 2012

This has been a good week for us, folks; once the light was focused on what the politicians and the corporations were trying to do with the SOPA and PIPA bills, the politicians flew from them like birds from a tree, despite the time and money spent by the lobbiests to get them passed.  It just goes to prove that with the medium of the internet, we do have the ability to quickly organize and affect the way that politicians respond, and it gives lie to the statement, "We don't really have any power."   It just takes a small amount of time, and attention to stay informed, and use your power!

'Nuff politics!  As much as I lovc living where I do. it does present some difficulties, sometimes.  I woke up yesterday morning, and went to make some coffee. . .No water!  A log with some branches  sticking out, had floated in under the deck, and a branch had hooked the water line. tearing it out.  I walked out on the deck, and found water gushing from MY side of the meter (naturally!); I turned it off, went back in, got the coffee pot and off to a neighbor's to bum a potful of water.  Coming back, I looked down the trail at the bottom of the bank, and behind my woodshed, and about 10' of it was GONE!  One of the vertical braces for the bulkhead had fallen over, letting the waves wash out the trail.

Once I got the water hooked back up, I waited for the other shoe to drop, and sure enough, when I turned on the computer, I found that somehow, I had screwed it up, the day before, while trying to do a backup. . . 3 hours later everything's back to normal.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed!

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